We would like to welcome and introduce you to the International Miniature Rodeo Association. The IMRA was started by Keith Wooten of Wooten Rodeo Company, LLC. In our association we offer Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, Bull Riding, Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Goat Tying and Breakaway Roping. We thrive on giving our kids an experience of a lifetime. We had qualifying rodeos take place from Canada to Texas. Our association is growing bigger and better each year and we invite everyone to come check out what we have to offer.
We are very excited to continue to grow this association as well as having some of the top contestants endorsing us which include:
World Champion Saddle Bronc Rider/IPRA Saddle Bronc Riding Director, Shawn Prater
3 time NFR Bull Riding qualifier, Mike Moore
8 time World Champion Bareback Rider/IPRA Chief Field Rep, Ronnie Williams
IPRA Barrel Racing Director, Sherry Rhea
International Professional Rodeo Association (IPRA)
International Finals Youth Rodeo, largest youth rodeo finals (IFYR)
All the above endorsements have also given their blessings on enhancing and growing the sport of rodeo. If you have any questions or would like to voice any comments please don’t hesitate to contact Keith Wooten (573)382-3205 or email at internationalminiaturerodeoassoc@yahoo.com